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Our Mission

       GSI supplies equipment and complete processes from batching systems, furnaces and through fiber forming for economical production of continuous glass fibers.

    GSI provides an independent source of lower cost glass fiber manufacturing technology.   GSI designs high melting rate furnaces up to 2 .0 tons per m2 and including oxy-fuel combustion and electric boost.

      GSI has developed special technology with non-boron and non-fluorine glasses and their unique processing requirements.  GSI has designed and built four such factories recently and has others under contract.

       GSI has provided systems for micro-fiber and other specialty glass production processes.

  GSI considers the continuing technical support of all its customers to be the most important part of its business.

       GSI is an experienced systems supplier who will take turn-key responsibility for the project, guiding it from conception to installation and start-up.  GSI has specialists in each process area.      




Business Approach

GLASS STRAND's business approach is best described as Net Working.   GSI as a central engineering and technology organization relies on several other Companies, Consultants and Suppliers to perform certain manufacturing, engineering and other support functions on a contract basis.    The Net Work structure allows a group of experts to zero-in on their specialty without  GSI having to carry a large overhead burden.   GLASS STRAND also manufactures many items of equipment which are special to the glass fiber industry in-order to control cost and insure the degree of customizing necessary.    GSI's key personnel have over one hundred years of quality experience with glass fiber producers.


In-order to better communicate and work with potential customers, GSI uses the following Companies to market and support our services in designated areas of the world.



Hengcheng Composites Engineering Technology Co. Ltd (HC) markets our services in China and nearby countries and their address is as follows:

                No. 9 Xinbin Road Puyang Town P.C: 311255

                Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, China

             Mr. Zou Ren Gui

         Tel: +86-1558-853-9999



ABAHSAIN FIBERGLASS ME (AFG) is joint venture between S.A. Abahsain of Saudi Arabia and Glass Strand Inc. (GSI) of USA. The joint venture provides enginerring and technical personnel to support GSI Turn-key projects.